so...lots going on here...tons actually...sometimes it seems that no matter how hard you work, things continue to knock you have to keep getting back up...and once you brush yourself off, you realize that your fall was not that bad and when you consider everything in your little colorful corner, your actually very blessed...
lately I have been blessed with so much...sharing a few photos of my recent artistic endeavors from my little colorful corner...
the hens from my class tonight at Circa Gallery in Asheboro..."Wine Down with Nikki Cherry"
and speaking of my classes, art shows, etc...blessed to have made the funny pages a lot lately...
I'm excited about all the commissions I'm working on...dogs, homes, bridal bouquets...keep a look out for photos of them...follow thepreppypossum on facebook to stay up to date with commissions, new originals, classes and just the day to day with an ol' possum that loves to paint!
so here are the two paintings that are up next week at "Wine Down with Nikki Cherry" at circa:
the Cherries Cafe (clemmons class) will be painting the sail boat mentioned in the previous post...
so one of my top 3 favorite landmarks in Asheboro is being torn down board by this upcoming saturday I plan on painting it again...I'm gonna demo the "Old P &P" and try to capture a smidge of its whimsy and charm on canvas...come watch as I paint and Betsy throws some pottery...the Chili cook off will be going on...should be a great day to be downtown Asheboro
I know there is lots more to share...feel free to share pointers with this ol' possum or if you hear of a show that might be perfect for a possum that paints let me know...
night world...may you sleep sweet and dream in color
xoxo, Nikki Cherry (the preppy possum)